Join us

Please email [email protected] if you have any time to give to support activists in prison in the UK.

We would really appreciate any help with the following areas:


Ideally, we would like to create a monthly zine to distribute among prisoners with activist news, activities and other engaging things.

Creative and Wellbeing will work together on what gets sent to prisoners.


Social media accounts, sharing stories, talking to other organisations, communication, pointing volunteers in the right direction


Getting information and exercises to prisoners to improve their physical and emotional wellbeing. Forwarding emails to prisoners via and being in close communication with each prisoner’s remand support team. If they do not have a remand support team, we create one.

Ideally in each support team you want:

  • Their point of contact 1 (who have direct phone contact with prisoner)
  • Someone happy to forward emails to the prisoner through
  • Their solicitor / lawyer (although this might not be possible)
  • A family member
  • A couple of friends


Help maintain the website and other digital tools. Email [email protected] if you are interested.