Exists to support activists in prison in the UK.

Latest imprisonment

Ruby Hamill is the latest person to be sentenced on 4 Apr 2024. They are being held at HMP New Hall.


Please consider donating some to help us support these brave people. Find out more about how we spend the money.

Donations can be made to the Rebels in Prison Support fundraiser.

Please consider making a recurring monthly donation if you can. It will help us plan our activities effectively.


For necessary action on the climate emergency, we need to take urgent, radical, direct action. As the government continues to fight us, more and more people will be held on remand - in prison - before they get a trial. Rebels in Prison Support exists to support activists wanting to take that next step of action.


The prisons people have been held in across the UK. Click on the markers to see who is there now.

Contact us

Please email [email protected].

RiPS is an independent organisation set up to support activists in the UK.